

Income Distribution Trends and Future Food Demand

Published on 11 October 2010

This paper surveys the theoretical literature on the relationship between income distribution and food demand, and identifies main gaps of current food modelling techniques that affect the accuracy of food demand projections. At the heart of the relationship between income distribution and food demand is Engel’s law. Engel’s law establishes that as income increases, households’ demand for food increases less than proportionally. A consequence of this law is that the particular shape of the distribution of income across individuals and countries affects the rate of growth of food demand. Our review of the literature suggests that existing models of food demand fail to incorporate the required Engel flexibility when (i) aggregating different food budget shares among households; and (ii) changing budget shares as income grows.


Xavier Cirera

Research Fellow

Publication details

Cirera, X. and Masset, E.
Biological Sciences, volume 365, issue 1554


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