
IDS Evidence Report 103

Policy Audit: Sexuality and Disability in Policies Affecting Chinese People with Disabilities

Published on 1 December 2014

This policy audit examines the cultural, political and economic spheres in China from the perspective of people with disabilities.

Through a series of case studies we argue that the heteronormative assumptions that underpin disability policies do not recognise the sexual desires and sexual needs of people with disabilities. Therefore, laws, families and society at large treat sexual behaviours among people with disabilities as abnormal, and the disabled as people who need to be arrested, invisible and even criminalised.

Not only do the current laws and regulations fail to recognise people with disabilities as sexual beings and as having sexual needs, they also give power to guardians to have complete authority to control the sexuality of people with disabilities, all in the name of care, responsibility and law.

These omissions in law result in lack of sex education, services and opportunities for people with disabilities, and leave little space for them to fulfil their sexual needs and desires, but too many chances to get infected with sexually transmitted diseases and/or HIV, and experience sexual frustration and devastation.

Related files for download

  • Accompanying brief – ERB103Brief.pdf
  • Cite this publication

    Li, Z. and Xiaopei, H. (2014) Policy Audit: Sexuality and Disability in Policies Affecting Chinese People with Disabilities, IDS Evidence Report 103, Brighton: IDS

    Publication details

    published by
    Li, Z. and Xiaopei, H.
    IDS Evidence Report, issue 103


    About this publication

    Programmes and centres
    Sexuality, Poverty and Law Programme

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