
IDS Policy Briefing 216

Promoting Sustainable Waste Management in Mekelle, Ethiopia

Published on 12 September 2024

Mekelle, the capital of the Tigray region in Ethiopia, is plagued by water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) challenges.

Rapid population growth, unplanned urbanisation, limitations in WASH services, climate change, and the impacts of war and conflicts are affecting the sanitation conditions of the city. To understand the status of sanitation and waste management, and identify options for sustainable waste management, multidisciplinary research was carried out through the Towards Brown Gold project. The study involved empirical research and stakeholder engagement. This Policy Briefing outlines ways to promote sustainable waste management, including the challenges of circularity.

Cite this publication

Woldearegay, K.; O'Donovan-Iland, B. and Mehta, L. (2024) 'Promoting Sustainable Waste Management in Mekelle, Ethiopia', IDS Policy Briefing 216, Brighton: Institute of Development Studies,


Associate Professor, Mekelle University

Ben O’Donovan-Iland

Communications and Impact Officer

Lyla Mehta

Professorial Fellow

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Institute of Development Studies


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