Working Paper

STEPS Working Paper 26

Reforming the Global Food and Agriculture System: Towards a Questioning Agenda for the New Manifesto

Published on 1 January 2009

In the face of the pressing challenges posed by hunger, malnutrition and the vulnerability of our food system, it is imperative that radical reforms to the food system are articulated and implemented. Questions about the governance of the current food system need to be posed and answered.

Key issues that need to be addressed include the direction of innovation and technological choices, the distribution of costs and benefits amongst producers, consumers and our environment, and the diversity and characteristics of possible socio-technical pathways that could be lead to more sustainable and socially just food futures. This paper presents some ideas on what a comprehensive strategy for reforming the global food and agriculture system might look like, in light of those questions about directionality, distribution and diversity.

Cite this publication

Millstone, E., Thompson, J. and Brooks, S. (2009) Reforming the Global Food and Agriculture System: Towards a Questioning Agenda for the New Manifesto, STEPS Working Paper 26, Brighton: STEPS Centre


Sally Brooks

Research Officer

John Thompson

Research Fellow

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published by
STEPS Centre
Millstone, E., Thompson, J. and Brooks, S.
STEPS Working Paper, issue 26


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