
Sanitation learning Hub Rapid Report;

Report on Webinar Series: Sanitation Programmes Throughout and Beyond the Covid-19 Pandemic

Published on 9 December 2021

In discussions on sanitation and Covid-19, the continuity of long-term sanitation goals throughout and beyond the pandemic has been rarely considered. To respond to this gap, the Sanitation Learning Hub (SLH) and UNICEF hosted a webinar series to share knowledge and experience on ways programmes have changed and adapted.

The two webinars presented examples of initiatives which have continued to pursue long-term sanitation objectives during the pandemic, with successes, setbacks and adaptations, and space was provided to reflect on possible future impacts of Covid-19 on sanitation planning, implementation and monitoring.

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Melloni, G. (2021) ‘Report on Webinar Series: Sanitation Programmes Throughout and Beyond the Covid-19 Pandemic', Sanitation Learning Hub Rapid Report. Brighton: IDS DOI: 10.19088/SLH.2021.026


Gian Melloni

Research Officer

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Programmes and centres
The Sanitation Learning Hub

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