
Frontiers of Sanitation: Innovations and Insights;19

Sanitation, Hygiene and Environmental Cleanliness for Child Development

Published on 23 November 2021

This Frontiers of Sanitation draws on the Transformative WASH concept to explore and outline what may be required of WASH implementation stakeholders in efforts to support child development outcomes.

The Frontiers explores the multiple ways in which inadequate sanitation, hygiene, and environmental cleanliness can affect physical and cognitive development in children. It explores areas beyond hand hygiene to consider food hygiene and broader environmental cleanliness, and beyond human faeces to consider animal faeces.

What this means for practice is then discussed to outline how the WASH sector can improve current practice to best support improvements to child development outcomes and in particular opportunities for children to both survive and thrive.

French and Portuguese translations are also available via the OpenDocs link to the right.

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Cite this publication

Macintyre, A and Strachan, C. (2021) ‘Sanitation, Hygiene and Environmental Cleanliness for Child Development’ Frontiers of Sanitation: Innovations and Insights 19, Brighton IDS, DOI: 10.19088/SLH.2021.022


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