
Tanzania Mixed Methods Baseline Report, External Evaluation of Mobile Phone Technology-Based Nutrition and Agriculture Advisory Services in Africa and South Asia

Published on 1 February 2019

This report summarises and integrates the key findings from the initial data collection round of each evaluation component carried out between October 2016 and January 2017.

This report takes a theory-based approach and makes explicit use of the mNutrition theory of change (ToC) to structure the findings, assess the underlying assumptions about causal links between outcomes, and draw conclusions about whether and how mNutrition may lead to the desired impact in the context of Tanzania.

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Barnett, I., Batchelor, S., Faith, B., Gilligan, D., Gordon, J., Hidrobo, M., Ledlie, N, Palloni, G., Scott, N. and Sharp, J. (2019) Tanzania Mixed Methods Baseline Report, External Evaluation of Mobile Phone Technology-Based Nutrition and Agriculture Advisory Services in Africa and South Asia, Brighton: IDS


Inka Barnett

Health and Nutrition Cluster Lead

Becky Faith

Research Fellow

Jessica Gordon

Nutrition Evaluation Programme Manager and Postgraduate Researcher

S. Batchelor
D. Gilligan
M. Hidrobo
N. Ledlie
G. Palloni
N. Scott
J. Sharp

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