Journal Article

IDS Bulletin Vol. 45 Nos. 1

The HIV Blind Spot: Men and HIV Testing, Treatment and Care in Sub-Saharan Africa

Published on 20 January 2014

Evidence shows that men are significantly underrepresented in HIV and AIDS testing and treatment services – both in sub-Saharan Africa and globally.

HIV policies within sub-Saharan Africa also have insufficient focus on ensuring national HIV responses encourage men to test, access anti-retroviral treatment and support the disproportionate burden of HIV care on women. Addressing these challenges is important for everyone’s sake and must be approached within a context of addressing power differentials between men and women at all levels. This includes challenging the broader patriarchal power structures in which gender plays out, such as the assumption that care work is ‘women’s work’ and therefore less valued, and the rigidity of gender norms that encourage men to participate in risk-taking behaviours that put their life and the life of those around them in jeopardy.

Related Content

This article comes from the IDS Bulletin 45.1 (2014) The HIV Blind Spot: Men and HIV Testing, Treatment and Care in Sub‐Saharan Africa

Cite this publication

Shand, T., Thomson?de Boor, H., van den Berg, W., Peacock, D. and Pascoe, L. (2014) The HIV Blind Spot: Men and HIV Testing, Treatment and Care in Sub?Saharan Africa. IDS Bulletin 45(1): 53-60


Tim Shand
Hayley Thomson‐de Boor
Wessel van den Berg
Dean Peacock
Laura Pascoe

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published by
Institute of Development Studies


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