Journal Article

IDS Bulletin Vol. 41 Nos. 1

The MDGs in Historical Perspective

Published on 1 November 2010

Some 50 goals have been set over the UN’s life, from goals for education in 1960 to the MDGs agreed at the Millennium Summit in New York in 2000.

Cynics have charged that UN goals have been proposed and agreed with little thought, and rarely achieved. Based on research conducted for the UN Intellectual History Project, this short article argues that in fact, there has always been widespread discussion before approving goals and more progress in implementing them than is commonly recognised. And although the record of achievement is mixed and far from perfect, most of the goals have had considerable influence and many have been considerably achieved by a considerable number of countries.

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This article comes from the IDS Bulletin 41.1 (2010) The MDGs in Historical Perspective

Cite this publication

Jolly, R. (2010) The MDGs in Historical Perspective. IDS Bulletin 41(1): 48-50


Richard Jolly

Research Associate

Publication details

published by
Institute of Development Studies
Jolly, Richard


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