
SLH Learning Paper;16

The Menopause: Hidden WASH Needs

Published on 1 August 2023

This Sanitation Learning Hub Learning Paper provides practical guidance for the WASH sector on meeting the additional needs of women going through the (peri)menopause, a phase of life rarely spoken about.

The paper outlines what the perimenopause and menopause are, and how the WASH sector can use feminist and participatory methods to engage with this taboo topic. It draws on data from Ghana and the UK to illustrate (peri)menopausal women’s hidden water needs for bathing, laundry and drinking, and sanitation and hygiene needs to support menstrual health and hygiene, and incontinence management. The paper provides practical tips for WASH practitioners to adapt existing programmes to integrate the (peri)menopause, outlining actions for programme start up and design, and programming activities which need to be undertaken.

Cite this publication

Bhakta, A. with Vernon, N. (2023) ‘The Menopause: Hidden WASH Needs’, SLH Learning Paper 16, The Sanitation Learning Hub, Brighton: Institute of Development Studies, DOI: 10.19088/SLH.2023.014


Naomi Vernon

Programme and Communications Manager

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Programmes and centres
The Sanitation Learning Hub

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