
IDS Policy Briefing 126

Towards Greater Effectiveness and Accountability in Impact Investing

Published on 1 October 2016

Impact investing – investing for social and environmental returns alongside financial returns – is a growing phenomenon in financial markets. However, concerns exist regarding the demand for robust impact evidence and accountability for impact claims when compared to a public sector aid model.

Drawing from social network analysis on Twitter, preliminary findings indicate the scope and scale of influential actors within this investing network. They reveal a need for asset owners, fund managers and other intermediaries to foster greater collaboration; facilitate greater thought-leadership on evidence and impact measurement and to address the power asymmetries between investors, investees and the global South.

Cite this publication

O'Flynn, P. and Barnett, C. (2016) 'Towards Greater Effectiveness and Accountability in Impact Investing', IDS Policy Briefing 126, Brighton: IDS


Peter O’Flynn

Research Officer

Chris Barnett

Honorary Associate

Publication details

published by
O'Flynn, P. and Barnett, C.
IDS Policy Briefing, issue 126


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