Working Paper

ACHA Working Paper;3

Understanding Children’s Harmful Work: A Review of the Methodological Landscape

Published on 6 November 2020

Children’s engagement with work has been widely researched using a wide variety of methods. However, the extent to which such methods and their combination provides insight into forms of children’s harmful work (CHW) is not obvious.

This paper reviews and assesses respective opportunities and challenges of the main methods that have been used to study children’s engagement with work. It proposes research design principles and a methodological landscape for an integrated approach to child-centred, inclusive, and ethical research of CHW.

Cite this publication

Roelen, K.; Barnett, I.; Johnson, V.; Lewin, T.; Thorsen, D. and Ton, G. (2020) Understanding Children’s Harmful Work: A Review of the Methodological Landscape, ACHA Working Paper 3, Brighton: Action on Children’s Harmful Work in African Agriculture, Institute of Development Studies, DOI: 10.19088/ACHA.2020.001


Keetie Roelen

IDS Honorary Associate

Inka Barnett

Health and Nutrition Cluster Lead

Vicky Johnson

Honorary Associate

Tessa Lewin

Research Fellow

Dorte Thorsen

Research Fellow

Giel Ton

Research Fellow

Publication details

published by
Institute of Development Studies


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