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Showing 277–288 of 11212 results


Reframing Climate and Environmental Justice

IDS Bulletin 53.4

Despite a growing focus on the justice dimensions of climate and environmental change, this issue of the IDS Bulletin argues that there are still ‘blind spots’ in dominant mainstream approaches to climate and environmental justice. These approaches share a tendency to place growth, not...

12 December 2022

Working Paper

An Introduction to Digital Tax Payment Systems in Low-and Middle-Income Countries

ICTD Working Paper; 152

National tax administrations are increasingly investing in the digital facilities needed to make it possible for taxpayers to go online both to file their routine tax returns (e-filing) and remit the tax payments due (e-payment). These facilities potentially benefit both taxpayers and tax...

9 December 2022


Understanding the Political Economy of South Africa’s Carbon Tax

ICTD Research in Brief; 79

South Africa is the only country in sub-Saharan Africa to have enacted a carbon tax to date. Although the country was ahead of the curve when it began considering the tax’s implementation in 2010, it took until 2019 for the Carbon Tax Act to be passed (RSA 2019). By this time 58 carbon taxes...

Lucy Baker

8 December 2022


Data Management at the Senegalese Tax Authority: Insights from a Long-term Research Collaboration

African Tax Administration Paper; 27

As they increasingly adopt digital infrastructure, public administrations worldwide are increasingly collecting, generating and managing data. Empirical researchers are, at the same time, collaborating more and more with administrations, accessing vast amounts of data, and setting new research...

Leo Czajka & 3 others

8 December 2022


L’usage des arts pour le dialogue environnemental au Sahel (version accessible)

IDS Policy Briefing 205

L’art a été utilisé pour communiquer les préoccupations environnementales dans les pays sahéliens. Néanmoins, le dialogue dirigé par les arts entre les acteurs politiques et les citoyens est cependant rare, bien qu’il ait le potentiel de trouver des solutions aux problèmes...

1 December 2022


L’usage des arts pour le dialogue environnemental au Sahel

IDS Policy Briefing 205

L’art a été utilisé pour communiquer les préoccupations environnementales dans les pays sahéliens. Néanmoins, le dialogue dirigé par les arts entre les acteurs politiques et les citoyens est cependant rare, bien qu’il ait le potentiel de trouver des solutions aux problèmes...

1 December 2022


Uncertainty: Child and Youth Rights and Participation

The sixth Rejuvenate dialogue was held on 15th September 2022. Six panellists working across contexts and themes joined the Rejuvenate team on a discussion on uncertainty and it’s intersection with child and youth rights and participation. From past research, we know that young people do not...

1 December 2022


Conflict-Sensitive Social Protection: Sudan Country Report

This country case study summarises the principal elements of social protection in Sudan, with a particular focus on social safety nets and humanitarian social assistance, and discusses these from a conflict-sensitivity perspective.

1 December 2022


Designing Surveys and Analysing Results from a Gender Perspective in Economic Research

This document provides guidance on the integration of gender and diversity considerations into applied research in economics focusing on countries in which the informal sector is predominant.

30 November 2022

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In an extraordinary time of challenge and change, we use more than 50 years of expertise to transform development approaches that create more equitable and sustainable futures. The work you do with us will help make progressive change towards universal development; to build and connect solidarities for collective action, locally and globally. The University of Sussex has been ranked 1st in the world for Development Studies for the past five years (QS World University Rankings by Subject).