An infographic of a tree with branches leading off to areas of sustainability covered by the course and additional illustrations next to these key themes. Raquel Durán

Specialist short course

Pathways tO Sustainability (online)

Explore critical approaches to sustainability, with theories and methods that can help you to discover and support alternative and diverse pathways and perspectives.

Major social and environmental challenges around the world have provoked a search for solutions. But sustainability is about more than fixing technical problems. Seeking equitable, diverse responses is a political challenge, requiring struggle and understanding between many perspectives and values in the face of incomplete knowledge about the world. The way knowledge is used and produced is also shaped by unequal relations of power.

This free and Open Access six-part course draws on the work of the ESRC STEPS Centre in addressing this challenge.

The course builds on the Summer School on Pathways to Sustainability run annually by the STEPS Centre. Themes include understanding policy processes, uncertainty, technology and innovation, resource politics, and methodologies.

Explore critical approaches to sustainability, with theories and methods that can help you to discover and support alternative and diverse pathways and perspectives.

Major social and environmental challenges around the world have provoked a search for solutions. But sustainability is about more than fixing technical problems. Seeking equitable, diverse responses is a political challenge, requiring struggle and understanding between many perspectives and values in the face of incomplete knowledge about the world. The way knowledge is used and produced is also shaped by unequal relations of power.

This course aims to equip participants with critical tools and methods to challenge dominant narratives and approaches to sustainability, and uncover alternatives in research and practice.

Ian Scoones is co-director of the ESRC STEPS Centre at Sussex and principal investigator of the ERC Advanced Grant project, PASTRES (Pastoralism, Uncertainty and Resilience: Lessons From the Margins).

He works on agrarian and environmental change, particularly in Africa. He has a particular interest in the connections between science, policy and the politics of sustainability. His long-term research on land, agricultural and livelihoods in Zimbabwe is covered in his regular blog, Zimbabweland. He is a member of the editorial collective of the Journal of Peasant Studies and on the editorial board of Ecology and Society.

Dr Amber Huff is a Research Fellow in the Resource Politics and Environmental Change Research Cluster and coordinator of the Centre for Future Natures.

Overall, her research asks questions about value, ethics, representation and justice in a changed and changing world. Her work explores evolving ecologies of crisis, commons and enclosures and engages with the global politics of environmental change and its linkages with new technologies and techniques of conservation and environmental management, natural resource conflicts and people’s struggles for justice and efforts to lead satisfying lives and build better futures. She has conducted research Madagascar, Kenya, South Africa, the Southern United States and the United Kingdom.

Early career researchers, PhD researchers and practitioners who work in fields relevant to sustainability and international development.

The course is in six parts, with video lectures and reading lists in each part. Some parts also include suggested exercises to help you think about particular challenges.

You can complete the course at your own pace.

Course structure:

  • Introduction to the Pathways Approach
  • Uncertainty and incomplete knowledge
  • Technology, innovation and sustainability
  • Resource politics
  • Understanding policy processes
  • Methods and methodologies

At the end of the course, you will have gained:

  • An appreciation of the need to explore alternative pathways to sustainability, and how to understand what pathways are
  • Knowledge of concrete examples of competing interests and views in a variety of domains of sustainability
  • Understanding of the importance of uncertainty and incomplete knowledge
  • Understanding of the importance of methods.
“A great experience to open up your ways of thinking, grow as a researcher and have fantastic conversations about research, life and everything in between.
“A great way to expand your network as a PhD student and find like-minded people who I hope to keep in touch with and work with the future.
“I can honestly say it has been the best two weeks of my PhD so far. To be in such an amazing, supportive and inspiring group has been fantastic

Course aims

To equip participants with critical tools and methods to challenge dominant narratives and approaches to sustainability, and uncover alternatives in research and practice.

Who is it for?

Early career researchers, PhD researchers and practitioners who work in fields relevant to sustainability and international development.

How you'll learn

The course is in six parts, with video lectures and reading lists in each part. Some parts also include suggested exercises to help you think about particular challenges.

You can complete the course at your own pace.

Course structure:

  1. Introduction to the Pathways Approach
  2. Uncertainty and incomplete knowledge
  3. Technology, innovation and sustainability
  4. Resource politics
  5. Understanding policy processes
  6. Methods and methodologies

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, you will have gained:

  • An appreciation of the need to explore alternative pathways to sustainability, and how to understand what pathways are
  • Knowledge of concrete examples of competing interests and views in a variety of domains of sustainability
  • Understanding of the importance of uncertainty and incomplete knowledge
  • Understanding of the importance of methods.


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Nathan Oxley

Impact Communications and Engagement Officer

+44 (0)1273 915826


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