Transcript of the Human Development Index around the world 2018

The Human Development Index (HDI) is a summary measure of key dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, a good education, and having a decent standard of living. Here are the countries around the world listed from highest to lowest in 2018:

Country Human Development Index
Norway 0.962
Iceland 0.959
Switzerland 0.959
Hong Kong 0.949
Germany 0.945
Denmark 0.942
Sweden 0.942
Australia 0.941
Singapore 0.94
Netherlands 0.939
Ireland 0.937
Finland 0.936
New Zealand 0.936
Belgium 0.933
Canada 0.933
United Kingdom 0.929
Liechtenstein 0.928
United States 0.927
Japan 0.923
Luxembourg 0.922
Israel 0.919
South Korea 0.919
Austria 0.917
Slovenia 0.917
Malta 0.91
United Arab Emirates 0.909
France 0.901
Spain 0.901
Very high human development (UNDP) 0.898
Czechia 0.894
Italy 0.893
Cyprus 0.892
Estonia 0.891
Greece 0.886
Lithuania 0.88
Bahrain 0.879
Poland 0.877
Andorra 0.872
Latvia 0.866
Saudi Arabia 0.865
Portugal 0.86
San Marino 0.86
Slovakia 0.859
Chile 0.856
Croatia 0.856
Qatar 0.853
Argentina 0.85
Hungary 0.849
Russia 0.841
Turkey 0.839
Kuwait 0.836
Montenegro 0.834
Oman 0.834
Brunei 0.83
Bahamas 0.827
Romania 0.827
Uruguay 0.819
Belarus 0.818
Trinidad and Tobago 0.815
Kazakhstan 0.814
Panama 0.814
Costa Rica 0.811
Mauritius 0.811
Bulgaria 0.809
Serbia 0.808
Malaysia 0.807
Albania 0.806
Georgia 0.804
Seychelles 0.8
Antigua and Barbuda 0.798
Europe and Central Asia (UNDP) 0.798
Barbados 0.797
Grenada 0.797
Thailand 0.795
Iran 0.787
Cuba 0.783
Ukraine 0.783
North Macedonia 0.779
Saint Kitts and Nevis 0.779
Palau 0.778
Mexico 0.777
Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.776
Peru 0.776
Sri Lanka 0.776
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0.775
Armenia 0.771
Moldova 0.768
Latin America and the Caribbean (UNDP) 0.766
Brazil 0.764
Dominican Republic 0.764
Colombia 0.763
Ecuador 0.762
Azerbaijan 0.757
China 0.755
Suriname 0.755
High human development (UNDP) 0.751
Lebanon 0.75
Maldives 0.75
Saint Lucia 0.746
Turkmenistan 0.746
Algeria 0.745
Fiji 0.745
Mongolia 0.743
Tunisia 0.743
Tonga 0.742
East Asia and the Pacific (UNDP) 0.741
Venezuela 0.738
World 0.736
Egypt 0.729
Paraguay 0.727
Dominica 0.726
South Africa 0.726
Jordan 0.723
Palestine 0.723
Libya 0.722
Uzbekistan 0.72
Botswana 0.716
Jamaica 0.716
Samoa 0.716
Bolivia 0.714
Arab States (UNDP) 0.711
Indonesia 0.71
Philippines 0.71
Belize 0.706
Gabon 0.706
Guyana 0.701
Kyrgyzstan 0.698
Vietnam 0.697
Iraq 0.692
El Salvador 0.68
Morocco 0.676
Cape Verde 0.673
Tajikistan 0.671
Nicaragua 0.662
Bhutan 0.658
India 0.645
Medium human development (UNDP) 0.643
Tuvalu 0.642
Guatemala 0.64
South Asia (UNDP) 0.64
Marshall Islands 0.639
Namibia 0.636
Bangladesh 0.635
Micronesia (country) 0.633
Kiribati 0.622
Ghana 0.62
Honduras 0.617
Sao Tome and Principe 0.617
Eswatini 0.607
Laos 0.607
Timor 0.605
Vanuatu 0.603
Zimbabwe 0.602
Equatorial Guinea 0.601
Nepal 0.601
Angola 0.595
Cambodia 0.591
Myanmar 0.59
Syria 0.58
Congo 0.578
Cameroon 0.577
Kenya 0.577
Zambia 0.572
Solomon Islands 0.566
Comoros 0.557
Mauritania 0.556
Papua New Guinea 0.554
Sub-Saharan Africa (UNDP) 0.547
Pakistan 0.545
Cote d’Ivoire 0.542
Haiti 0.541
Tanzania 0.538
Nigeria 0.531
Benin 0.53
Rwanda 0.528
Togo 0.528
Lesotho 0.522
Uganda 0.522
Low human development (UNDP) 0.518
Sudan 0.514
Senegal 0.512
Malawi 0.51
Madagascar 0.507
Djibouti 0.506
Gambia 0.495
Eritrea 0.493
Ethiopia 0.489
Afghanistan 0.483
Liberia 0.483
Guinea-Bissau 0.482
Democratic Republic of Congo 0.48
Sierra Leone 0.47
Guinea 0.462
Yemen 0.459
Mozambique 0.451
Burkina Faso 0.449
Mali 0.43
Burundi 0.428
Central African Republic 0.405
Niger 0.399
Chad 0.398
South Sudan 0.395

Source: UNDP (2018).  Creative Commons BY license Original has been adapted to reflect IDS branding.